to {prep}zu [+Dat.]


to {prep}bis


to {prep}nach


to {prep}an


to {prep}auf [+Akk.]


to-do [coll.]Wirbel {m} [Aufhebens]


to-do [commotion] [coll.]Aufregung {f}


to-do [coll.] [exaggeration]Getue {n} [ugs.] [pej.]


to-do [coll.]Tamtam {n} [ugs.] [Aufhebens]


to-do [coll.]Gedöns {n} [ugs.]


to-do [coll.]Zwergenaufstand {m} [ugs.]


to-do [coll.]Trara {n} [ugs.]


to-do [coll.]Theater {n} [ugs.] [Aufhebens]


Tonga <.to>
Tonga {n}
2 Wörter: Andere
-to-be {adj} [bride, father etc.] [postpos.]zukünftige [attr.]


... to let [esp. Br.] [available for rent]
... zu vermieten
...-to-be {adj}angehende
...-to-be {adj}... in spe
(to) thedem
(to) them {pron} [indirect object]ihnen
(to) thisdem
(to) whom {pron}dem
(to) windward {adv}windwärts


(to) windward {adv}
[I] condescend to[ich] geruhe
[I] succumb to[ich] erliege
[we/they/you] are to[wir/sie/Sie] sollen
[we/they/you] ought to [logical probability][wir/sie/Sie] müssten
[we/they/you] ought to [obligation][wir/sie/Sie] sollten
[you] are to[du] sollst
[you] are to [said to two or more people][ihr] sollt
[you] ought to [logical probability][du] müsstest
[you] ought to [logical probability][ihr] müsstet
[you] ought to [obligation][du] solltest
[you] ought to [obligation] [said to two or more people][ihr] solltet [moralische Verpflichtung]
abhorrent to sth. {adj} [postpos.] [not agreeable to sth., contrary to sth.]mit etw.Dat. unvereinbar
acceptable to sb. {adj} [postpos.]für jdn. akzeptabel
accessible to sb./sth. {adj} [pred.]jdm./etw. zugänglich
according to {prep}nach
according to {prep}je nach
according to {prep}gemäß [+Dat.]
according to {prep}ausweislich [+Gen.]
according to {prep}nach Maßgabe [+Gen.] [geh.]
according to {prep} [according to information from]nach Auskunft [+Gen.] / von [+Dat.]
according to {prep} [as stated by]nach Aussage [+Gen.] / vonDat.
according to {prep} [depending on]entsprechend [je nach]
according to {prep} [in agreement with]in Übereinstimmung mit [+Dat.]
according to {prep} [in compliance with]in Beachtung [+Gen.] [selten] [unter Beachtung]
according to {prep} [in compliance with] in Beachtung von [+Dat.] [selten] [unter Beachtung]
according to {prep} [reporting a person's opinion, e.g. no news can be expected according to the president]so [laut]
according to {prep} <acc. to>laut <lt.> [+Dat., auch +Gen.]
according to sb./sth. {adv}jdm./etw. zufolge
according to sb./sth. {adv}zufolge jds./etw. [schweiz. und jur.]
according to sb./sth. {adv}jds./etw. zufolge [schweiz. und jur.]
adapted to {adj}geeignet für
addicted to {adj}hingegeben
addicted to sth. {adj} [postpos.] etw.Dat. ergeben [einem Laster, dem Alkohol etc.]
addressed (to) {past-p}gerichtet (an)
adequate to {adj} {adv}angemessen
adhered to {past-p}eingehalten
adjacent to {prep}benachbart
adjacent to sth. {adj} [postpos.]an etw.Akk. angrenzend
adjunct to {adj}beigeordnet
adjunct toverbunden mit
affable to {adj}freundlich gegenüber
affiliated to {past-p}angegliedert
affiliated to {past-p}angeschlossen
affiliated toverbunden mit
agreeable to {prep}gemäß [+Dat.]
agreeable to {prep} [in accordance with]in Übereinstimmung mit [+Dat.]
agreeable to sb. {adj}jdm. zusagend
akin toverwandt mit
alien to sb. {adj}fremd für jdn.
alive tovoll bewusst
alive toempfindlich für
alive to {adj}aufgeschlossen für
allied to {prep}verbunden mit [+Dat.]
allied to {adj}verwandt [meist fig.]
allotted tobestimmt für
alternative toalternativ zu
amenable (to) {adj}unterworfen
amenable to sth. {adj}zugänglich für etw.Akk.
amounting to {adj}betragend
amounting to {adj}ausmachend
amounting to {adj}hinauslaufend auf
amounting to {adj}sich belaufend auf
amounting to {prep}in Höhe [+Gen.]
amounting to {adj} [postpos.]in Höhe von <i. H. v.> [nachgestellt]
analogous toanalog zu
ancillary tountergeordnet unter
antagonistic towiderstreitend gegen
anterior (to) {adj} [formal] [earlier, occurring before]früher [vorhergehend, zuvor erfolgt]
anxious tobestrebt
appertaining to {adj}betreffend
appertaining todazugehörend
applicable to {prep}anwendbar auf [+Akk.]
Apply to ...Man wende sich an ...
apposite topassend zu
apprenticed toin der Lehre bei
appropriate (to)zugehörend

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  • TO-Karte {f} [auch: T-O-Karte] = T-O map [also: T and O map]
  • Business-to-Business- <B2B> = business-to-business <B2B>
  • Business-to-Consumer- <B2C, BtC> = business-to-consumer <B2C, BtC>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch

  • While unionism has lost its overall majority in the Assembly, the result has been characterised by political analyst Matthew Whiting as being more about voters seeking competent local leadership, and about the DUP having less success than Sinn Féin in motivating its traditional voter base to turn out, than about a significant move towards a united Ireland.
  • It all started from the Bow Wow post supposedly portraying his private jet travel lifestyle, only to turn out as fake, since the photo used was actually taken from the MIA VIP Transportation website and was a stock photograph.
  • The Electoral College decreases the advantage a political party or campaign might gain for encouraging voters to turn out, except in those swing states.
  • Not only did the school continue to turn out desperately needed teachers, it also expanded its nurse-training program, and produced large numbers of fliers in its Navy Air School.
  • Since Ben was the only clone to turn out stable, the Jackal takes a sample of his blood to perfect his cloning technique.

  • And that was to turn out their final and fatal stop.
  • The World Cup-winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks also played one match for St Pats, making him by far the brightest star to turn out for the club in 1977.
  • And in response to the Iowa Democratic Party's proposed creation of "virtual caucuses" in the 2020 race, Williamson's campaign announced that it would appoint 99 "Virtual Iowa Caucus Captains" (each assigned to a single county) to turn out supporters in both the virtual and in-person caucuses.
  • – in other words, to turn out an inferior product in order to have it completed more quickly.
  • Unable to turn out paintings at a profitable rate, he went into his father's business, working as an assistant to other Italian cinematographers like Massimo Terzano.

  • By the summer of 1950, Boeing was ready to turn out the first production models of the B-47, and the United States Air Force sought to make Wichita Airport a permanent military installation.
  • From his Greenwich Village apartment, Cuppy continued to turn out magazine articles and books.
  • This would have allowed players like Jerry Collins to turn out for their countries of birth but the move was rejected by the IRB.
  • Many feel that, had Anthony himself not latched on to those poll results, he might have been better able to convince his own supporters that they were not yet in the clear and to turn out to vote in larger numbers.
  • The letter was read live on air by Stelling, and "Soccer Saturday" reporter and ex-professional player Chris Kamara then offered to turn out for the club to aid their fight against relegation.

  • When the court in Worcester was shut down by similar action on September 5, the county militia (composed mainly of men sympathetic to the protestors) refused to turn out, much to Bowdoin's amazement.
  • The stage had another fast start but the real excitement was reserved for the final 13 km up to Luz-Ardiden in what was to turn out to be one of the most epic Tour de France stages in the Armstrong 'era'.
  • It was produced by veteran R&B producer and songwriter Jerry Ragovoy, reportedly brought in by Elektra to turn out a "breakout commercial hit".

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